Agenda item

Planning application 14/05235/LBC - Old Kelways, Somerton Road, Langport


Proposal: Demolition of western end of wall.


The Area Lead introduced the application, and commented that the officer recommendation in the report was for approval based on the recommendation to approve the associated outline application 14/05234/OUT, as previously discussed on the agenda. As the outline application had been refused by members, the officer recommendation for this listed building consent needed to change to refusal.


He suggested the wording for a reason of refusal could be that in the absence of a reasonable justification to facilitate acceptable development the proposal to remove 6.7m of this grade II listed wall would be detrimental to its special architectural and historic qualities. As such the proposal is contrary to policy EQ3 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-28 and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


There was no discussion and it was proposed and seconded to refuse the application for the reason as suggested by the Area Lead. On being put to the vote, the proposal to refuse the application was carried 11 in favour with 1 abstention.



That planning application 14/05235/LBC be REFUSED, contrary to the officer recommendation, for the following reason:


01.   In the absence of a reasonable justification to facilitate acceptable development the proposal to remove 6.7m of this grade II listed wall would be detrimental to its special architectural and historic qualities. As such the proposal is contrary to policy EQ3 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-28 and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


(Voting: 11 in favour, 1 abstention)

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