Agenda item

Supplemental Report in relation to Planning Application: 14/02141/OUT - Southern Phase of Crewkerne Key Site, Land off Station Road, Crewkerne


The Area Lead East/North introduced the report which updated members on the progress of the planning application, including the current offer and areas to be resolved for the alternative development of employment land off Station Road, which was part of the Keysite at Crewkerne. 

With the aid of slides and photographs, the Area Lead North/East covered the following points during his presentation:

·         Outline of the site highlighting the employment land, link road and the previously approved scheme;

·         Photographs showing the proposed entrance to the site, location of the proposed houses and the existing employment land;

·         Reference to there being no landscape objections or archaeological issues;

·         The current situation and that the applicant believed that the approved scheme was now unviable in the current market;

·         The planning obligations as previously agreed outlined on page 12 of the  report which would need to be revisited;

·         The issues to be resolved including the affordable housing allocation and the level of employment land to be retained;

·         The potential areas for further negotiation including landscape, planting and maintenance, highways contribution, leisure contribution, and dormouse mitigation. 

He asked members to note the progress to date and explained that this was an opportunity for members to steer officers in the negotiation of the final package of planning obligations prior to the formal determination of the application at a later date.

The Applicant’s Agent, Mr Colin Danks explained that the current situation didn’t work and that everyday work was delayed on the site costs were being incurred and emphasised that timing was important.  He commented that there were various options available to them and that they didn’t wish to pursue an appeal and would much rather negotiate what would be best locally on the site.  With reference to the viability issues, he commented that the housing element was the most valuable part of the scheme.

During discussion, a number of comments were made by members, which included the following:

·         Reference was made to the use of a ‘Brokering Table’ as a way forward to ensure that the ward members and parish council are involved in agreeing the priorities;

·         It was felt that there were a number of issues to be resolved prior to going forward with the Brokering Table;

·         There was an issue of whether SSDC forward funds to ensure completion of the link road;

·         The decision on the employment land reduction needed to be made correctly;

·         The link road was fundamental.

At the conclusion of the debate, a proposal was made and subsequently seconded to support the following course of action being taken in relation to the outstanding matters:

(1)  that Officers seek to achieve a reasonable balance between the provision of employment land and affordable housing.

(2)  that Officers present a proposed phasing of the housing buildout and the provision of the infrastructure and leisure facilities for members consideration.

(3)  that Officers clarify the area of land in Crewkerne that is in the ownership of Taylor Wimpey or that Taylor Wimpey have an interest in.

(4)  that Officers liaise with Taylor Wimpey to explore alternative layouts for the additional housing required to make the Key site package viable.

(5)  that Officers obtain evidence of the £1m + ‘unexpected archaeological investigations’ for members information.

(6)  that Crewkerne Town Council, Ward Members, Portfolio Holders and Somerset County Council are involved with any proposals.

On being put to the vote, the proposal was carried unanimously.




That members note the progress to date;



That the following course of action be supported in relation to the outstanding matters:


(1)  that Officers seek to achieve a reasonable balance between the provision of employment land and affordable housing.


(2)  that Officers present a proposed phasing of the housing buildout and the provision of the infrastructure and leisure facilities for members consideration.


(3)  that Officers clarify the area of land in Crewkerne that is in the ownership of Taylor Wimpey or that Taylor Wimpey have an interest in.


(4)  that Officers liaise with Taylor Wimpey to explore alternative layouts for the additional housing required to make the Key site package viable.


(5)  that Officers obtain evidence of the £1m + ‘unexpected archaeological investigations’ for members information.


(6)  that Crewkerne Town Council, Ward Members, Portfolio Holders and Somerset County Council are involved with any proposals.


(Voting: unanimous in favour)

Supporting documents: