Agenda item

Planning application 15/00858/FUL - Land opposite Turnpike House, Aller Road, Aller.


Councillor Shane Pledger, having declared a personal and prejudicial interest, left the meeting prior to the presentation of this application. Councillor Dean Ruddle took the role of Chairman for this item.


Proposal: Demolition of buildings and the erection of 1 No. dwelling.


The Planning Officer presented the application as shown in the agenda report. He noted that as the proposal was to replace dilapidated buildings on the site, the applicant felt the proposal to be an enhancement. It was explained that the Planning Authority had no objections to the design of the proposal, but there were considered to be impacts in this open area of countryside.


Mr J Whitfield, supporter, commented he had lived on the opposite side of the road to the site for nearly 25 years. There were several isolated buildings along the northern side of the main road. The proposal was of sympathetic design and would replace ugly farm buildings. It was a good design and supported by the community.


Mr F Della Valle, agent, noted there were five letters of support, unanimous support of the parish council and no highways objections. The distance between this proposal and the nearby listed building should not cause any detrimental impact. It was a brownfield site and the application had been submitted to get this design, rather than prior approval for conversion of existing building. He made reference to an approval given to a site in Park which he considered to be a parallel. He queried when by comparison this site was on the edge of settlement and nearer to shops why this proposal was not considered sustainable.


During discussion varying views were expressed by members including:

·         Should be approved as it’s a good design and supported by the parish council

·         No justification for the proposal and does not satisfy policies

·         Does not meet any criteria for Policy SS2 and is in the open countryside

·         There are many buildings along that road that have been done up

·         Not really a brownfield site. The dilapidated buildings could be knocked down and site returned back to greenfield.


It was initially proposed to approve the application, contrary to the officer recommendation, as the parish council supported the proposal and it was felt it did meet policies, however with 4 votes in favour and 8 against, this was not carried.


It was then proposed to refuse the application as per the officer recommendation, and this was carried 8 in favour, 4 against.



That planning application 15/00858/FUL be REFUSED as per the officer recommendation, for the following reasons:



01.   The proposal would represent new residential development in open countryside, for which an overriding essential need has not been justified. The application site is also remote from local services and therefore constitutes unsustainable development that is contrary to policies SD1, SS1 and SS2 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028) and to the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework.


02.   The proposed development by reason of its form, scale and siting within open countryside, represents an incongruous form of development that fails to preserve the distinctive character and quality of the local landscape. As such, it has an unacceptable impact on the character, appearance and the rural context of the locality. The proposal is therefore contrary to policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-28) and provisions of chapters 7, 11 and the core planning principles of the National Planning Policy Framework.


(Voting: 8 in favour, 4 against)

Supporting documents: