Agenda item

Section 106 Obligations


The Section 106 Monitoring Officer presented the report as shown in the agenda which detailed signed Section 106 agreements relating to development within Area North.  He highlighted key changes in legislation since the last report with regard to contributions from schemes of 10 dwellings or less, and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations.


Members were encouraged to contact him if they required any specific information or a detailed progress update regarding any scheme.


In response to questions from members, the Section 106 Monitoring Officer:

·         Explained the implications and limitations of no more than 5 planning obligations being sought for a specific infrastructure project.

·         Clarified that if building of a development subject to Section 106 contributions had commenced, and was later sold for whatever reason before completion, then the new owner would take on the agreed obligations at that time.

·         Confirmed that once the CIL is adopted, Section 106 obligations for strategic elements would diminish. As the CIL would be payable on a single unit, the level needed to be carefully considered. At the moment officers were working on a timetable assuming that the CIL would be adopted by Spring 2016, but there was much work to do before the adoption stage.


At the conclusion of the debate, the chairman thanked the Section 106 Monitoring Officer for providing a comprehensive report.


That the report and verbal update be noted and the actions taken in respect of the monitoring and managing of Section 106 Planning Obligations be endorsed.


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