Agenda item

Future of Westland Leisure Complex

This report will be sent electronically to Councillors on 25/08/15 and will be published in paper format tomorrow (26/08/15).




That the District Executive agreed:



to give serious consideration to the refurbishment and operation of facilities at the Westlands Sports and Leisure Complex on a broadly similar basis to their current use;



that prior to considering the published recommendations 8.1 to 8.6, the Executive requires regular monitoring of the risk log by the project board, and in particular the following items:

1.    Previous hire and bookings.

2.    Roof structures.

3.    The condition and remaining life of the electrical services installation and mains equipment.

4.    The condition and remaining life of the mechanical services installation and mains equipment.

5.    A structural assessment of retaining walls around the site.



to approve the once-off use of up to £3,500 of general revenue balances to fund this further evaluation work;



the formation of a project board.


To enable Members to ascertain whether they should seek to take over the management and operation of the Westlands Sport and Leisure Complex in Yeovil for the overall benefit of the community. 

(voting: 7 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstention)


The Chairman confirmed that confidential papers detailing the finance involved in the project had been circulated to Councillors. 

The Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture reminded Members that the report had been produced at very short notice and at the request of Councillors to enable them to ascertain whether they should seek to take over the management and operation of the Westland Sport and Leisure Complex and save the facility for the overall benefit of the community.   She said the report was very balanced as it detailed the risks and implications to the public purse as well as the benefits to the community.

The Assistant Director (Health and Well-Being) provided Members with a power point presentation of the main points of the proposal to enter into an agreement with Agusta Westland to take over the management and operation of the Complex for a 30 year term.  He noted that the loss of the site would exacerbate the sports deficiencies in the area, the site had potential to accommodate additional sporting facilities, marketing of the site was key to its future, the refurbishment costs were estimated at £2.5m, Yeovil Town Council had agreed to contribute towards the operating costs, and, there would be a proposed £1 levy on Octagon and Westland event ticket sales to fund the future operation of the complex.  

The Assistant Director (Finance and Corporate Services) advised that if Members wished to prioritise the Westland Leisure Complex, then it could impact on the delivery of other council services in the future. 

The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee said they had commended officers for the considerable amount of work which had been achieved in producing the report.  Their further comments were that an interim recommendation be made to agree in principle to the proposal with further reports to the Executive and Council before the signature of a lease, also, the potential of separating the sporting facilities from the social complex be explored and that a member of the Scrutiny Committee be part of any proposed project group. 

During a lengthy discussion, Members were generally supportive of the proposals and the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture suggested amending the recommendations to propose the formation of a project board to look at previous hire and booking records, the roof structures, the condition and remaining life of the electrical and mechanical services installation and mains equipment and also a structural assessment of retaining walls around the site.  It was also agreed that the project board explore the possibility of dividing the sporting facilities from the social complex and also the VAT implications of the revenue and capital expenditure.

At the conclusion of the debate, the amended recommendations proposed by the Portfolio Holder were seconded, and on being put to the vote, were carried (voting: 7 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstention).


That the District Executive agreed:



to give serious consideration to the refurbishment and operation of facilities at the Westlands Sports and Leisure Complex on a broadly similar basis to their current use;



that prior to considering the published recommendations 8.1 to 8.6, the Executive requires regular monitoring of the risk log by the project board, and in particular the following items:


1.    Previous hire and bookings.

2.    Roof structures.

3.    The condition and remaining life of the electrical services installation and mains equipment.

4.    The condition and remaining life of the mechanical services installation and mains equipment.

5.    A structural assessment of retaining walls around the site.




to approve the once-off use of up to £3,500 of general revenue balances to fund this further evaluation work;



the formation of a project board.


To enable Members to ascertain whether they should seek to take over the management and operation of the Westlands Sport and Leisure Complex in Yeovil for the overall benefit of the community. 

(voting: 7 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstention)

Supporting documents: