Agenda item

Planning Application 15/03263/S73A - 7 Court Farm Close, Winsham


Application Proposal: Application to vary condition 02 (approved plans) of 14/05486/FUL for the addition of 4 No. radius oak braces to side elevation and amendment to design


The Planning Officer introduced the report and with the aid of slides and photographs summarised the details of the application as set out in the agenda.  There were no updates to the report.  The key considerations were inconsistency between approved plans and character and appearance including setting of the Conservation Area.  The Planning Officer’s recommendation was for approval.


In response to questions from Members, the Planning Officer confirmed that


·         The main planning issue was the impact on the Conservation Area and the character of the area and was not about whether the timber braces were necessary;

·         He did not feel that the visual impact was significant enough to warrant refusal of the application;

·         He had discussed the application informally with the Conservation Officer who was of the view that the proposal would not impact upon the Conservation Area or its setting.


The Committee was addressed by John Sullivan, Chairman of Winsham Parish Council who reiterated the views of the Parish Council as outlined in the agenda report.  The Parish Council were of the view that SSDC should determine the complaint alleging breaches of planning control regarding construction of the carport before considering the new application and give the Parish Council the opportunity to review the application in the context of any decisions made. 


The Committee was then addressed by Mrs Mermagen (speaking on behalf of Mr Mermagen), Elizabeth Turner, Brian Turner and Mr Chance in objection to the application.  Views expressed during the representations included the following:


·         The carport was a serious intrusion on the edge of a Conservation Area and was a prominent feature of the close;

·         The design amendment was of no practical value and added to the overbearing mass of the structure;

·         The structure could not be used as a carport as there was no room for a car;

·         No further work should be considered on the carport;

·         All the neighbours objected to the structure;

·         The Committee were shown a number of photographs submitted by Mr Chance which highlighted the extension of the carport being beyond adjacent elevations, it was too narrow to park a car, a second parking space had been lost and further parking was now in the road.


The Ward Member, Cllr Sue Osborne felt that the proposal did impact upon the Conservation Area and commented that carports were normally modest.  She was of the view that the existing structure was solid and did not require the addition of timber braces.  She objected to the application on the grounds of the proposal being a dominant structure that would cause harm to the Conservation Area.


In response to a member comment, the Senior Legal Executive advised that the two sets of plans attached to the previous permission showed different details.  The 1:20 scale plans was more detailed but effectively the development could have been built either way although more weight could be placed upon the 1:20 scale plan.  

During discussion, members felt unable to consider the application before them without viewing the original plans presented to them at the February Area West Committee meeting.


The Area Lead and Senior Legal Executive advised that deferring consideration of the application was the most sensible way forward. 


It was proposed and seconded to defer consideration of the application to a future meeting of the Area West Committee in order to allow members to be shown the previously approved scheme.


On being put to the vote, the proposal to defer the application was unanimously supported.



That consideration of Planning Application No. 15/02097/FUL be DEFERRED to a future meeting of the Area West Committee in order to allow the previously approved scheme to be presented to members.

(Voting: unanimous)


Supporting documents: