Agenda item

South Somerset Careline Annual Report 2014/15


The Careline and Welfare Manager provided Members with a power point presentation on the Careline service.  She noted that it had been operating since 1992 and now had 2,100 customers.  She described the services provided and the benefits to customers and she said that a Business Plan and marketing strategy was currently being drawn up with the assistance of the Housing Intern as the service was an income generating service for the Council. 

Councillor Sylvia Seal, as Portfolio Holder for the service, spoke in support of the Careline service and the benefits it provided to people who could continue to work knowing that their family members were safe at home. She suggested advertising in Parish Magazines as she felt some people were still unaware of the service.  She also commended the use of key safes to allow access by carers and emergency services.

In response to a question, the Careline and Welfare Manager confirmed that the service did offer daily comfort calls to its customers and were always available to speak to them if they felt vulnerable at any time of day or night.

At the conclusion of the debate, the Chairman thanked the Careline and Welfare Manager for attending and providing an informative report and presentation. 


That the South Somerset Careline Annual Report 2014/15 be noted.


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