Agenda item

Planning Application 14/04723/FUL - Land OS 6375, Ringwell Hill, Bower Hinton.


Proposal: Proposed residential development of 49 dwellings, public open space and associated infrastructure, including drainage attenuation pond.

The Area Lead Planning Officer provided the Committee with a comprehensive presentation of the proposal with the assistance of a power point presentation of drawings and photographs of the site.  Since writing his report, he advised that the County Archaeologist had responded suggesting an additional archaeological condition of approval, the Parish Council had confirmed that they preferred the offsite footpath improved shown on drawing SK02, but without the island and a local resident had raised concern at the proposed drainage for the site.  The applicants had confirmed that appropriate de-silting of the attenuation pond would take place and this would be a condition of approval.  He concluded that his recommendation was to approve the application subject to the prior completion of a Section 106 planning agreement

The Committee were then addressed by Mr R Powell, Chairman of Martock Parish Council, and local residents, Mr R Deubert, Ms C Roden, Mr C Price, Mr G Swindell, Mr R Roden, Mr F Dowding, and Mr A Clegg in opposition to the application.  Their comments included:-

·         The application has been considered twice by the Parish Council and despite changes, both times they voted to refuse by a considerable majority.

·         There are more suitable sites for development in Martock.

·         The site can be seen from several footpaths and it will erode the soft edge of the village.

·         The roads are narrow through Bower Hinton and it cannot take any additional traffic.

·         The NPPF requires houses to be accessible to services but this development is well outside the Martock services and is in an isolated position.

·         Concern at the flood risk to the wider community.  Water may flow into the proposed attenuation pond from the surrounding land and a lack of maintenance may cause it to block up.

·         The rural centre classification of Martock in the Local Plan states it should have modest housing growth but this development will mean that it grows too fast for jobs.

·         The Sparrow Works have a great industrial history and until a few years ago all the units were occupied by small businesses.  The site is an employment opportunity for the youth of Bower Hinton. 

  • Currently, houses in Bower Hinton hug the valley bottom and cannot be seen from Ham Hill, but the proposed development would desecrate the views from the Hill and their irrevocable harm would outweigh the benefit.

The Committee were then addressed by Mr C Miller, Ms C Elliott, and Mr M Crosby, Agent, in support of the application, Their comments included:-

·         The existing industrial units on Ringwell Hill are dilapidated and unviable for business use and their loss will not be detrimental to the local economy.

·         The current business demand is for small modern units as proposed on land to the north of the site.

·         The development is an opportunity for people to live and work next door to a sympathetic development.

·         The Council cannot demonstrate a five-year housing land supply so the Local Plan is out of date and there is a presumption in favour of development.

  • There is not sufficient harm demonstrated to outweigh the benefit of the development.
  • The sustainable drainage system proposed will reduce existing water run off and the technical information provided shows it is deliverable.

·         The Council’s Economic Development officer states that a commercial development of the site would not be viable in the current market conditions.


One of the Ward Members, Councillor Graham Middleton, said there were over 200 local objections to the development, including those of the Parish Council.  He said the walk to the shops and school in Martock would be a 3 mile return journey which would involve crossing the road several times and so people would probably use their car.  A development nearby had been refused permission as it was on rising ground and easily visible as this site was.  He proposed that permission be refused.

The other Ward Member, Councillor Neil Bloomfield, stated that in 5 or 10 years the employment site may be needed and if small units were currently in demand at the Sparrow Works then why not construct them at Ringwell Hill?  Although the development proposed 7 bungalows there were no local facilities, no bus and no pavement to reach services in Martock.  He felt this was the wrong location for housing and expressed his concern at the loss of employment land and so seconded the proposal to refuse permission.

During discussion, some Members expressed their concern at the existing traffic problems in Bower Hinton and Martock and at the loss of employment land so close to the A303, particularly as small industrial units were in high demand in other parts of the district.  It was proposed that the application be deferred to negotiate with the applicant for a mixed housing and light industrial use of the site.  However, the Development Manager and Locum Planning Solicitor cautioned that this would be a different application and the proposal was withdrawn.  However, Members felt that a mixed housing and light industrial application would be more appropriate and acceptable at the site.

The original proposal to refuse permission because of the total loss of employment use, the rising site would be detrimental to the visual amenities of the locality and its distance from the services and facilities available in Martock/Bower Hinton was proposed and seconded and being put to the vote, was carried (voting: 7 in favour, 0 against, 4 abstentions).


That planning application 14/04723/FUL be REFUSED permission, contrary to the officer recommendation for the following reasons:-

Notwithstanding the benefits stemming from the delivery of additional housing, the proposal would result in the total loss of the employment use of this existing and allocated employment site. Such loss would be detrimental to Martock/Bower Hinton’s supply of employment land/premises and job opportunities. As such the proposal is contrary to policy EP3 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028 and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.

The proposed development on this rising site on the periphery of Martock/Bower Hinton would be detrimental to the visual amenities of the locality and the local landscape character. As such the proposal is contrary to policies EQ2 and EP3 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028 and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework

The proposal by reason of its distance from the services and facilities available in Martock/Bower Hinton and the nature of the route to the village centre would constitute development that would not be accessible to all except by reliance on the private motorcar. The submitted travel plan does not satisfactorily demonstrate that the future residents would have any option but to rely on the private motor car for virtually all their daily needs. Such lack of choice of transport modes constitutes unsustainable development contrary to the presumption in favour of sustainable development running through the National Planning Policy Framework, which is not outweighed by any benefits arising from the development. Accordingly the proposal is contrary to the policies SD1, TP4 and EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006- 2028 and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.

 (Voting: 7 in favour of refusal, 0 against, 4 abstentions)

Supporting documents: