Agenda item

Reports to be considered by District Executive on 3 December 2015


Members considered the reports outlined in the District Executive Agenda for 3 December 2015. It was agreed that the following comments would be taken forward to District Executive for consideration:


Funding for Citizens Advice South Somerset 2016/17 (Agenda item 6)


·         Members asked what % of the overall operating budget of the CAB the SSDC contribution represents?

·         Does SSDC charge the CAB rent for office space at Petter’s Way?

·         Members queried if there was potential duplication between the role of SSDC Welfare Benefits Advisors and the advice given by CAB – were we in effect paying twice for the same service?

·         Members noted that the report refers to a new service specification being drawn up and asked that Scrutiny be involved in this process prior to their implementation?


Quarterly Performance and Complaints Monitoring Report – 2nd Quarter 2015/16 (Agenda item 7)


·         Members noted that PI029 shows a significant increase in the numbers of anti-social behaviour reports – whilst noting the impact the reduced value of scrap metal is having on the number of abandoned cars, members sought clarification as to what steps are being taken to address this increase?

·         Regarding PI031 – the Committee received a detailed report on this issue in August and noted that performance data is still not available. It was noted that a detailed update report will be presented to Scrutiny in January but the ongoing reputational risk to the council was emphasised.

·         The Interim CEO indicated that a business case would be coming to District Executive in the New Year, outlining proposals for transforming customer handling within SSDC – this business transformation process would address some of the issues concerning call handling, members were informed that this transformation would require capital investment. Scrutiny Members sought clarification that resources were not being committed to the current fix in Customer services, only to be replaced by the business transformation programme?


Heart of the South West Formal Devolution Bid (Agenda item 8)


·         Members noted this item had been withdrawn from the agenda.


Report of the Licensing Task and Finish Group (Agenda item 9)


·         The Scrutiny Committee endorsed all of the recommendations and noted that should delegation arrangements with Wincanton Town Council cease, arrangements had already been put in place to allow Taxi Drivers to liaise with SSDC Customer Services Staff based at Churchfields.


Yeovil Innovation Centre – Business Plan and Update Report (Agenda item 10)


·         Is the satisfaction target not set a little low – should we not be aspiring for greater tenant satisfaction?

·         Members sought clarification as to the role and function of the Innovation Centre – when the project was initiated, it was stated that at some point, it would become self-financing – is this still the aim and when is this projected to happen?

·         How long are businesses expected to be based at the Innovation Centre before moving on to more permanent bases? Members were aware that in some areas of the district there is a waiting list for such ‘incubation’ units and the Innovation centre needs to meet this specific brief.

·         When are the rent reviews intended to be carried out?


District Executive Forward Plan


·           Members queried what progress had been made with the review of the Car Park Strategy/fees since the motion was passed at Full Council, there is no mention of this on the forward plan.

·           The corporate plan is out of date, what is the process for revising this, again there is no mention of this on the forward plan

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