Agenda item

Planning Application 15/02269/FUL - OS 0062, Mildmays Road, High Ham.


Change of use of land for the creation of two additional gypsy pitches for occupation by family members of the applicant.


The Area Lead (West) presented the application as detailed in the agenda report and briefly reminded members of the previous permission granted for one pitch, and highlighted that this proposal was for two additional pitches adjacent to that. He drew members attention to the comments of the Parish Council and Landscape Officer.


Ward member, Councillor Shane Pledger, noted that High Ham Parish Council had concerns that nothing regarding the previous permission had been implemented.


During discussion, several members expressed varying concerns including:

·         No detail is included about foul and surface water drainage, and this should be implemented before occupation.

·         Should defer a decision to sort out detail regarding drainage issues.

·         Existing pitch does not look like it is in use

·         Is there a water supply suitable for the site


In response to comments made the Area Lead (North/East) clarified that the application stated a septic tank was proposed to deal with foul water drainage, and further details could be by condition.


At the end of discussion it was proposed to defer the application for clarification regarding availability of services and proposals to deal with foul water drainage. On being put to the vote, the proposal was carried unanimously.



That planning application 15/02269/FUL be DEFERRED for clarification over availability of services and proposals to deal with foul water.


(Voting: unanimous in favour)

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