Agenda item

Environmental Health Service Update Report


The Environmental Health Manager presented the report as detailed in the agenda and provided an informative presentation indicating key elements and statistics for each part of the service including:

·         Food safety -

·         Health and Safety

·         Environmental Protection, including new anti-social behaviour legislation

·         Environmental Enforcement,

·         Pest Control

·         Housing Standards


At the request of a member, he provided an overview about Disabled Facility Grants for home adaptations and explained the main aim was to try to enable people to continue to live in their homes for as long as possible. He noted that funding beyond 2016 may not be ring-fenced to SSDC.


During a short discussion, responses by the Environmental Health Manager to other comments raised included:

·         If fly-posting was brought to the attention of the service then it could be dealt with, and depending on the land ownership, staff could remove such signs.

·         The recorded cases of food poisoning  was average, and each individual case was followed-up.


Members were content to note the report and the Chairman thanked the manager for his informative presentation.



That the report be noted.


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