Agenda item

Planning Application 15/05132/FUL - The Old Vicarage, Knole Causeway, Long Sutton.


(Councillor Shane Pledger, having earlier declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, left the room for the presentation and consideration of this application. Councillor Dean Ruddle took the role of Chairman.)


Proposal: The conversion of outbuilding into a two bed annexe, the erection of a garage and proposed two storey rear extension to dwelling.


The Planning Assistant presented the application as detailed in the agenda, and noted no objections had been received. Work to the outbuilding was mainly to make it habitable and minimal structural works were proposed. With the aid of slides he indicated the other works being proposed on the site.


Mr R Rowntree, agent, noted that the existing dwelling had been subject to a number of extensions over the years. The proposal was to provide a new north gable end and to make similar to the south, and the new garage would help to improve turning of vehicles on the site. It was noted the application had full support from the parish council and consultees.


There was no discussion and it proposed to approve the application as per the officer recommendation, and on being put to the vote was carried unanimously.



That planning application 15/05132/FUL be APPROVED, as per the officer recommendation, and subject to the following:




The conversion of the outbuilding into an annexe, and the erection of an extension to the dwelling, and the erection of a garage are of appropriate designs, detailing, and size and would have no adverse impact on visual or residential amenity, or highway safety.  As such the proposals comply with polices SD1, SS1, EQ2, TA5 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan, and the provisions of the NPPF.




01.       The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


            Reason:  To accord with the provisions of section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


02.       The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans (except where directed otherwise by the conditions below): Drawing Number: F1270/100C; Drawing Number: F1270/101B; Drawing Number: F1270/102B.


            Reason: In the interests of proper planning and for the avoidance of doubt.


03.       The annex hereby permitted shall remain as ancillary to the principal dwelling and shall not at any time be used by way of independent living accommodation (even if occupied by persons of same household) and there shall be no subdivision of this single residential planning unit either by way of being let, or given or sold as a separate unit.


            Reason: To ensure the accommodation remains ancillary to the existing dwelling and remains as a single planning unit.


04.       Notwithstanding the provisions of Class E, Part , Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order) no openings shall be created or altered on the east elevation of the annex hereby permitted without the prior benefit of planning permission.


            Reason: In the interests of residential amenity, in accordance with Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028).


05.       Notwithstanding the provisions of Class E, Part 1, Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order) the annex hereby permitted shall not be extended without the prior benefit of planning permission.


            Reason: In the interests of local amenities, in accordance with Policy EQ2 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028), and ensure that the annex remains ancillary to the main dwelling, as one planning unit.


(Voting: Unanimous in favour)

Supporting documents: