Agenda item

Update Report From the Countryside Service


The Countryside Manager presented the report as shown in the agenda, and commented that it had been a positive year for the service as it retained its 3 Green Flag awards in the Country Parks and had delivered 74 public events which had attracted in excess of 9,500 people and 1,500 students on educational visits.  The work of the volunteers in the country parks was essential as the hours they worked was equal to 9 full time staff.   She outlined some of the many events held and the work of the rangers and volunteers at the various sites across the district.

Councillor Sylvia Seal, as Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture, thanked the Countryside Manager and her team of staff and volunteers for their excellent work within the Country Parks and their various successes at grant funding applications.  She particularly commended the work of the volunteers who freely gave their time and without whom the parks would not be maintained to their high standard.  She further requested that the list of events to be held by the Countryside Service be circulated to all Members for publication in their Parish magazines. 

In response to questions from Members, the Countryside Manager advised that-

·         She had recently spoken to the Carymoor Centre regarding educational visits and would look at incorporating some recycling information as part of the schools educational visits in future.

·         She was investigating the designation of a Public Space Protection Order on SSDC land at Ham Hill to make it clearer to dog walkers that they must clean up after their pets.

·         There was currently no budget to issue dog waste bags free of charge at the Country Parks and it was better to encourage responsible dog ownership. 

At the conclusion of the debate Members praised the work of the Countryside team and volunteers, and thanked the Countryside Manager for her comprehensive report.


That the report be noted.


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