Agenda item

Planning Application 15/03232/FUL - Former Highways Depot, Etsome Terrace, Somerton.


Proposal: The erection of 10 houses and a convenience store with associated parking and access arrangements.

The Planning Officer presented his report to the Committee with a power point presentation of plans and photographs of the site.  He said that since writing his report, a letter had been received from Williams Supermarkets detailing their investment in their town centre supermarket which they said could be undermined by the convenience store aspect of the application. He further noted that an additional plan number needed to be added to the list of conditions, if approved. 

The Committee were then addressed by Mr T Bown of Somerton Town Council, Mr R Williams of Williams Supermarket and Ms S Clark who all spoke in opposition to the application.  Their comments included:-

·         The Town Council welcomed the housing but had serious concerns with the convenience store and its situation between the school and the fire station. 

·         The additional traffic would be a hazard to schoolchildren and there was already a local convenience store 125 yards from the site. 

·         Low cost housing was needed in the town but another convenience store was not needed. 

·         Policy EP11 required an out of town store application to produce a retail impact assessment to demonstrate that local business would not be harmed.

·         The convenience store would also affect retail businesses in Somerton

The Committee were then addressed by Mr N Gillan and Mr M Nicholson, the Agent and applicant.  Their comments included:-

·         Various applications had been made at the site but no development had ever been brought forward.

·         The site was not viable to develop for just housing but the convenience store provided viability for the site.

·         Further information had been submitted on highway and retail impact.

·         The application would add to the number of people employed in the town and it would not compete with town centre trade.

The Ward Member, Councillor Stephen Page, said he welcomed the small housing development but he could not support the retail element as it would have an inappropriate impact on the town centre.  He also felt there were dangerous highway implications with the school and fire station close by and delivery lorries to the convenience store.  He said the application should be resubmitted for housing only. 

The Area Lead Officer reminded Members of the various planning policies which related to retail stores in such situations.  He noted that the Economic Development Officer had said there was no evidence to say the retail store would unacceptably harm the town centre although he said there could be local evidence to support this view. 

During discussion, varying views were expressed.  Whilst some Members felt the site should be all housing and the retail unit would impact on the town centre businesses, other Members cautioned that robust planning reasons needed to be put forward to refuse the application in case the applicant appealed the decision, and also competition in business was healthy.     

At the conclusion of the debate, it was proposed that planning permission be refused because of the adverse impact of the convenience store on existing convenience stores and town centre shops and on being put to this vote, this was carried (voting: 6 in favour, 4 against, 0 abstentions).  Councillor Adam Dance asked that his vote against refusing the application be recorded. 


That application reference 15/03232/FUL be REFUSED planning permission, contrary to the officer recommendation, for the following reason:-

The proposed retail unit, by reason of its size and location outside the town centre, would not be of a scale or type to meet the local needs of the area, and would adversely affect the vitality and viability of Somerton town centre. As such the proposal would be contrary to the aims of the NPPF and Policies EP11 and EP14 of the South Somerset Local Plan.

(Voting: 6 in favour of refusal, 4 against, 0 abstentions)

Supporting documents: