Agenda item

Planning Application 15/04989/DPO - Town Farm, Sutton Road, Somerton.


Proposal: Application to modify Section 106 Agreement dated 10th August 2011 between SSDC and Joan Louise Canvin, John Charles Canvin and David Frederick in connection with planning permission 10/03245/OUT to pro rata contributions.

The Section 106 Monitoring Officer presented his report to the Committee, advising that the application sought to modify the S106 agreement which had been based upon 14 dwellings at the site at outline stage.  The subsequent Reserved Matters application had been agreed for 12 dwellings and the S106 agreement had not been changed therefore the developer was requesting that they now be reduced pro-rata. 

The Ward Member, Councillor Stephen Page, said he welcomed the application and, there being no other debate, it was proposed that permission be approved.  On being put to the vote, this was carried (voting: unanimous in favour).


That planning application 15/04989/DPO be APPROVED, as per the officer recommendation

1.     To approve the modification of the of the Equipped Play Contribution, Changing Room Contribution, Youth Facilities Contribution and the Strategic Communities Facilities Contributions from the planning obligation dated 10th August 2011.

2.     To instruct the Council's Solicitor to modify the S106 agreement.

(Voting: unanimous in favour)

Supporting documents: