Agenda item
Licensing Fees & Charges 2016-17
In response to the comments raised by the members of the public, the Licensing Manager advised that the fees were arrived at as a result of a long process involving a Scrutiny Task & Finish Review that looked at all licensing fees. The fees were agreed as part of the overall budget setting process and were set at a level to ensure total cost recovery as endorsed by the Scrutiny Committee, District Executive and Full Council.
With regard to enforcement costs, he advised that some costs did not have an enforcement element. Compliance costs were in relation to the operators keeping correct records which had resulted in the largest increase. He highlighted that it was vital for the operators to keep correct records.
He advised that in terms of the costs of internal processes occasionally some operators would receive duplicate letters by mistake but he was constantly looking at ways to improve internal procedures. The Council were shortly commencing a process of Transformation which would enable more online business to take place which could result in the fees being decreased in the future. He reiterated that the fees were set on a total cost recovery basis.
The Licensing Manager advised that MOT certificates could now be checked online reducing the burden on operators to visit the Council Offices.
He advised that the increase in fees was mainly in relation to the cost of checking compliance and noted that only four objections had been received. There was a statutory process for the setting of fees which required the proposed fees to be advertised by publishing a notice in a local newspaper, which had taken place. The fees and charges for private hire operators varied across the South West with some fees based on the number of vehicles operating. West Dorset District Council was able to reduce fees as they worked jointly with Weymouth and Portland Borough Council. He commented that maybe in future years if inspections were carried out satisfactorily and operator records were up to date, there could be scope for a reduced fee but was not something that could be considered at the present time.
In response to member questions and comments, the Licensing Manger informed members of the following:
· He was satisfied that the correct legal steps had been taken in respect of enforcement;
· The fee for compliance checks included officer time plus on costs and a proportion of recharge from other departments;
· The compliance checks involved checking computer and paper records and therefore required the checks to be undertaken at the operators base;
· The fees had been set using a recognised formula in conjunction with the Council’s Finance Department;
· The same process would be undertaken for both new applications and renewal of drivers badges;
· The fees and charges would be kept under constant review as Transformation comes forward;
· It was highlighted that the Licensing Department were not able to make a profit on licence fees or subsidise between services;
· The service had been running at a considerable loss for many years and it was the intention to operate the service as close to cost neutral as possible;
· The checking of Vehicle/Driver applications at Churchfields in Wincanton had been delayed until after the fees are set;
· The increases resulted in a £3.15 per week increase for businesses which was not an unreasonable amount to make sure that proper checks were undertaken;
· He would be willing to look an instalment system for payment of the Private Hire Operators Fee.
During discussion, members expressed their support for the introduction of an instalment system for the payment of the Private Hire Operators Fee. This meant that the payment of fees could be spread out over the five year period.
It was proposed and seconded to agree not to modify the proposed fees and set a new date of 1st May 2016 for these to take effect. On being put to the vote the proposal was carried by 7 in favour, 2 against and 1 abstention. It was further proposed and seconded that the Licensing Manager be asked to arrange an instalment system for payment of the Private Hire Operators Fee if requested. On being put to the vote the proposal was unanimously agreed.
1. |
That the Licensing Committee agree not to modify the proposed fees and set a new date of 1st May 2016 for these to take affect;
(Voting: 7 in favour, 1 against, 1 abstention)
2. |
That the Licensing Manager be asked to arrange an instalment system for payment of the Private Hire Operators Fee if requested.
(Voting: unanimous in favour) |
Supporting documents:
- 7 Licensing Fees & Charges Report 15-16 Final, item 41. PDF 109 KB
- 7 Taxi Fees Appendix 1, item 41. PDF 153 KB