Agenda item

Planning Application 16/01315/FUL - 43 Walnut Drive, Somerton.


Proposal: Installation of external wall insulation and change of external finishes.


The Planning Assistant presented the application as detailed in the agenda and noted some concerns had been raised about the finish being render. He explained the reason for the works and that the finish was proposed to be a light grey. The recommendation was for approval as it was felt on balance there were benefits to the proposal.


Mr D Harrison, spokesperson for Somerton Town Council, noted the roof at the property had been repaired but had not resolved the damp issues. The finish and colour would not be in keeping with the street scene. It was only one half of the semi-detached building that would be rendered and would project several inches from the neighbouring property. It was felt there were possibly other solutions to resolve the issue, including just rendering the gable end which would have less of a detrimental impact on the street scene.


Ward member, Councillor Dean Ruddle, noted another property along the road had had similar issues and dealing with the cavity ties had resolved the issue. He highlighted there were no other rendered buildings on the estate. He expressed disappointment with Yarlington as a landlord as they had been aware of the problem at the property for nearly three years. He did not support the application and proposed it be refused.


Ward member, Councillor Stephen Page, noted he had originally supported the application. However, having seen more information and heard comments made he felt the issue needed to be looked at again by Yarlington for an alternative solution.


During discussion, members expressed varying comments including:

·         Need to see a surveyors report.

·         Should be a better solution than this.

·         Feel Yarlington would be doing best they could for the tenant.

·         Should be strict controls on colour

·         Do believe the wall/cavity ties need to be addressed.

·         Only rendering half a semi-detached building is a lazy solution.


Multiple proposals were initially put forward and seconded to refuse, defer and approve the application, however these were all lost.


Following a further short debate, it was proposed to defer the application to receive a full surveyors report and technical information, and on being put to the vote this was carried 7 in favour, 4 against.



That planning application 16/01315/FUL be DEFERRED to receive a full surveyors report and technical information.


(Voting: 7 in favour, 4 against)

Supporting documents: