Agenda item

16/02909/FUL - McDonalds Restaurant, Sparkford Hill, Queen Camel


Application Proposal: Refurbishment of the restaurant including extensions (totalling 9.7 sqm) with alterations to the elevations, including new cladding to roof and new drive thru booths. Reconfiguration of the drive thru lane to accommodate the introduction of side by side ordering with a new signage island and associated works to the site. Installation of 2 no. customer order displays with overhead canopies, a goal post height restrictor and new fascia signage. OPTION A.


The Planning Officer presented her report to members with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation. She explained that there were two additional planning applications which were being considered by the Committee. She further explained that a site meeting had been arranged and had been attended by most of members of the Committee.


It was agreed that planning applications 16/02910/ADV and 16/02913/ADV would be considered by the Committee at the same time.


Councillor Mike Lewis, Ward Member, thanked the members of the Committee that had attended the site visit. He sought clarification from the Planning Officer that the application included no further illuminated signage on the building. The Planning Officer confirmed that there would be one additional illuminated sign on the building and any additional illuminated signage would be within the site, at a low level and not on the building.


During the discussion, concern was raised over the parking on the site and litter around the site. Concern was also raised about the planting around the site boundary which acted as a screen to adjoining properties.


Following the discussion, it was proposed and seconded that the planning application be approved as per the officer’s recommendation, subject to an additional informative to recommend additional hedgerows/planting around the boundary of the site.


On being put to the vote, this was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED:              that planning permission 16/02909/FUL be approved as detailed in the officer’s report subject to additional informative, for the following reason;


01.          The proposal maintains the visual character of the area and causes no

demonstrable harm to residential amenity or highway safety in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework and policies EQ2, EQ7 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028).




01.       The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.


Reason: To accord with the provisions of section 91(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


02.          The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the details received on 05 July 2016 and submitted plans numbered;


a.         Location Plan, Drawing No. 6632_AEW_1009_0001

b.         Block Plan, Drawing No. 6632_AEW_1009_0002

c.         Amended Existing Site Plan, Drawing No. 6632_AEW_1009_0003 RevC

d.         Amended proposed Site Plan, Drawing No. 6632_AEW_1009_0004 RevC

e.         Amended proposed elevation drawing No. 6632_AEW_1009_0005 RevB

f.          COD Canopy, Butterfield Signs, Sign Type 8

g.         Goal post height restrictor, Butterfield Signs


Reason: In the interests of proper planning and for the avoidance of doubt.




01.       The applicant's attention is drawn to the comments of the Ward Member at the Area East committee meeting on the 12th October 2016 requesting that consideration is given to additional planting along the eastern boundary of the site of coniferous trees to provide additional screening between the site and the neighbouring residential properties particularly during winter. These could replace any existing trees that are dead or dying.


(Voting: unanimous)

Supporting documents: