Agenda item

16/02971/S73 - Boots Pharmacy, Dykes Way, Wincanton


Application Proposal: Section 73 application to vary conditions 1 & 4 of approval 11/03159/FUL, to allow for an increase in permitted retail sales area


The Planning Officer presented his report to members with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation. He explained that the application had been referred to the September meeting where it had been resolved to defer the decision to allow further information to be requested on the impact of the existing store on the High Street.


He advised that that a unilateral undertaking had now been agreed which ensured that the Boots store on the High Street would remain for a minimum of five years.


Following the short discussion, it was proposed and seconded to approve the planning application, as per the officer’s recommendation.


On being put to the vote, this was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED:              that planning application 16/02971/S73 be approved as detailed in the officer’s report, subject to a s106 agreement, for the following reason;


01.       The proposed medical centre and pharmacy would be of an appropriate scale, with a suitable design and layout, parking and access arrangements, that would not be prejudicial to visual amenity, the character of the locality or highways safety. It is considered that it has been demonstrated that the provision of a pharmacy within the medical centre, which would meet a specified need, would not be prejudicial to the vitality and viability of the town centre. Safeguarding conditions could reasonably ensure that the pharmacy would be restricted to ensure that it caters for the demonstrated need. As such the proposal complies with policies SD1, EP9, EP11, EP12, EP14, EQ2, TA5 and TA6 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006 - 2028 and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.




01.       The development shall carried out generally in accordance with the previous approved plans, namely plans 06010 50A;06010 51; 06010 52A; 06010 53A; 06010 54B; 06010 55A; 06010 56A; and 06010 57. With regard to the ground floor pharmacy drawing 06010 51 shall be superseded, in part, by drawing titled Planning Application (drawing number 1309/C215742/GF received 07/07/16 as set out by condition 4 below.


Reason: To define the development hereby approved.


02.       The sales area hereby approved shall remain as a pharmacy and for no other retail use within use class A1 of the Use Classes Order 1995 (as amended).


Reason: To ensure that the pharmacy meets the need identified and to safeguard the vitality and viability of the town centre in accordance with policies EP11 and EP14 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006 - 2028.


03.       The goods and services to provided by the pharmacy hereby approved shall be limited to those specified on the "restricted list of pharmacy products and services to the public" provided as Appendix 1 attached to this permission.


Reason: To ensure that the pharmacy meets the need identified and to safeguard the vitality and viability of the town centre in accordance with policies EP11 and EP14 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006 - 2028.


04.       The pharmacy and retail area hereby approved shall be limited to shown on drawing titled Planning Application (drawing number 1309/C215742/GF) received 07/07/16.


Reason: To ensure that the pharmacy meets the need identified and to safeguard the vitality and viability of the town centre in accordance with policies EP11 and EP14 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006 - 2028.


05.       With the exception of out of hours emergency dispensing, the opening hours of the pharmacy hereby approved shall be limited to the opening hours of the medical centre. There shall be no retail sales outside the opening hours of the Healthcare Centre.


Reason: To ensure that the pharmacy meets the need identified and to safeguard the vitality and viability of the town centre in accordance with policies EP11 and EP14 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006 - 2028.


(Voting: unanimous)

Supporting documents: