Agenda item

Area North Committee - Review of Arrangements


The Assistant Director (Communities) advised the report was a periodic review of the Area Committee working arrangements.  Based upon the responses to a member survey, although there was consensus on the start time of the meetings and the order of the agenda, there had been a diversity of views on the location of the meetings.   


During discussion, varying views were expressed.  Some Members felt further information should have been included in the report on the cost of officers attending the meetings, together with their travel time, whilst others agreed that holding the meetings in village halls made the meetings more accessible to the public and they were a less intimidating venue than the Brympton Way Council Chamber. 


The Chairman and Assistant Director (Communities) confirmed that the report was intended as a light touch review of the meeting arrangements and was not intended as a review of the Area Working system.  No financial information had been included in the financial implications section of the report because the cost of the recommendations were the same as the present costs incurred. Further efficiencies would be looked at through the comprehensive Transformation Programme being implemented over the next 2 years.  It was agreed that further information on current staffing and accommodation costs would be provided to Members.


At the conclusion of the debate, the majority of Members were content to confirm the recommendations of the report. 



That Members agreed:



The start time for Area North Committee remain at 2.00pm;




The rotation around the most suitable venues in Area North continues, with new venues being trialled where the meeting space meets our criteria;




The order of the agenda remain the same with planning applications determined in the second half of the meeting.


To review and confirm the suitability of the current start time and other arrangements for the Area North Committee meetings.

(Voting: 9 in favour, 2 against, 2 abstentions)

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