Agenda item

Huish Episcopi Academy Swimming Pool Project Funding Decision (Executive Decision)



That Area North Committee approved, subject to the standard Leisure grant terms and conditions, that South Somerset District Council award a grant of up to £25,000 to Huish Episcopi Academy towards the enclosure of the existing outdoor pool to provide indoor swimming for school and community use.



To consider the awarding of a grant to Huish Episcopi Academy (HEA) towards the enclosure of the existing outdoor pool.


(Voting: 6 in favour, 2 against, 1 abstention)


The Assistant Director (Health and Well-Being) presented the report which sought approval for a capital grant of £25,000 to Huish Episcopi Academy towards the enclosure of the existing outdoor pool to provide indoor swimming for school and community use. He introduced Amanda Eastwood, Business Manager for the Academy, who was present to answer questions if necessary.


The Assistant Director provided a summary of the project to date and an update regarding the current situation. It was noted the cost of delivery compared to the predictions had created a shortfall in funding. Costs of some aspects of the project had been revised to mitigate the shortfall and the Academy were actively investigating further funding options. The Director reminded members that as a million pound scheme this was a significant project for the area, and was an exciting project with community benefits.


The Chairman drew attention to the information in paragraphs 17 to 19 of the officer report and noted that community funding was underway.


(Councillors Clare Aparicio Paul and Tiffany Osborne having earlier declared a prejudicial interest then left the room for consideration and voting of this item. Councillor Crispin Raikes was in the role of Chairman for the remainder of this item.)


During discussion varying views were expressed. Many members were fully supportive of the project whilst some expressed reservations about construction costs and the detail regarding funding from Section 106s. The Assistant Director and Business Manager responded to points of detail raised during debate including information about timeframes, marketing and the assumptions made regarding business planning.


In response to another comment, the Assistant Director (Communities) explained that the funding requested was not a community grant as they normally come forward, but this project would be an allocation of capital funding as part of a partnership project. In the past, significant projects had been supported in a similar way.


A member suggested putting an additional £5,000 forwards as a safety net and to reduce the amount of community funding required. It was initially proposed to award a grant of £30,000 however this was not carried, voting 3 in favour, 5 against with 1 abstention.


It was then proposed to award a grant of £25,000 as per the officer recommendation, and this was carried 6 in favour, 2 against with 1 abstention.



That Area North Committee approved, subject to the standard Leisure grant terms and conditions, that South Somerset District Council award a grant of up to £25,000 to Huish Episcopi Academy towards the enclosure of the existing outdoor pool to provide indoor swimming for school and community use.



To consider the awarding of a grant to Huish Episcopi Academy (HEA) towards the enclosure of the existing outdoor pool.


(Voting: 6 in favour, 2 against, 1 abstention)

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