Agenda item

Community Health and Leisure Service Update


The Community Health and Leisure Manager presented the report as detailed in the agenda, and provided an overview of the work of the team and the achievement over the year. She highlighted key statistics and projects within the report, and provided slides to indicate some of the projects and schemes that had been delivered. She also noted that a new draft playing pitch strategy had been completed and this would be circulated to parishes shortly for consultation.


During discussion, the Community Health and Leisure Manager responded to points of detail including:

·         Explanation of the process for seeking planning obligations, and why the monies earmarked for parish schemes had to go through SSDC.

·         The Community Infrastructure Levy may mean less money for leisure facilities.

·         There was no updated statistical data available regarding the money spent in the UK on ill health related to physical inactivity (page 14 of the agenda report)


Members acknowledged that Area North had benefitted hugely from the work of the team. The Chairman and members thanked the Community Health and Leisure Manager for the excellent work of the team, and for her informative report.



(1)    That the Community Health and Leisure Service Update be noted.

(2)    That members contact the Community Health and Leisure Manager, if they wish to discuss the current service delivery programme or recommend future priorities.


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