Issue - decisions
Planning Application: 20/01511/FUL Land Adj Orchard Farm, Leigh Common, Stoke Trister.
12/02/2021 - Planning Application: 20/01511/FUL Land Adj Orchard Farm, Leigh Common, Stoke Trister.
Decision Taken
The Chief Executive, following consultation with Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Area Committee plus the ward member, made the following decision:
That Planning Application 20/01511/FUL be APPROVED, in line with the officer recommendation and the conditions set out in the officer report, for the following reason:
The proposed acoustic barrier is considered to respect the characteristic pattern and features of the surrounding landscape, to cause no demonstrable harm to residential amenity or the rural amenities of the area or to adversely affect highway safety or the structural stability of the adjacent A303. The planting scheme that will form part of this application will not adversely affect any protected species and is likely to provide enhanced habitat to wildlife in the vicinity to the benefit of local ecology. As such the proposal accords with policies SD1,SS2.EQ1, EQ2 EQ4 EQ6 EQ7 TA5 of the South Somerset Local Plan (2006-2028)