Issue - decisions

Planning Application Decision 21/03005/S73 Crewkerne Key Site 1 Land East Of Crewkerne Between A30 And A356 Yeovil Road Crewkerne

20/01/2022 - Planning Application Decision 21/03005/S73 Crewkerne Key Site 1 Land East Of Crewkerne Between A30 And A356 Yeovil Road Crewkerne

Decision Taken


That Planning Application 21/03005/S73 be APPROVED as per the officer recommendation, subject to the conditions outlined in the officer report, with agreed amendments to condition 7 to include the wording ‘Ecological Management ‘ and condition 14 to amend the wording to ensure and clarify a suitable trigger is in place regarding the surface water run-off limitation scheme.




On the basis that:


The principle of this development is supported, reflecting as it does the Local Plan allocation KS/CREW/1. Crewkerne is an appropriate location for this level of development and the site is suitable in terms of its relationship to the town and its services and can be developed without causing unacceptable harm to the setting or functioning of the town.


It is not considered that the proposal would adversely affect highways safety, ecological or architectural interest of the site, the favourable conservation status of protected species or visual and residential amenity and there would be no risk of increased flooding. Matters of detail, including design and appearance, layout, scale and appearance can appropriately be considered through the submission of subsequent reserved matters applications. As such the proposal accords with the Local Plan allocation KS/CREW/1 and the policies of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028 and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


Approve subject to the conditions below and a variation to the S.106 Agreement between the applicant and SSDC.


01.       The principle of this development is supported, reflecting as it does the Local Plan allocation KS/CREW/1. Crewkerne is an appropriate location for this level of development and the site is suitable in terms of its relationship to the town and its services and can be developed without causing unacceptable harm to the setting or functioning of the town.


It is not considered that the proposal would adversely affect highways safety, ecological or architectural interest of the site, the favourable conservation status of protected species or visual and residential amenity and there would be no risk of increased flooding. Matters of detail, including design and appearance, layout, scale and appearance can appropriately be considered through the submission of subsequent reserved matters applications. As such the proposal accords with the Local Plan allocation KS/CREW/1 and the policies of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028 and the policies contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.