Issue - decisions

Planning Application Decision for 21/01052/LBC - Red Lion Inn Main Street Babcary TA11 7ED

19/05/2022 - Planning Application Decision for 21/01052/LBC - Red Lion Inn Main Street Babcary TA11 7ED

The Chief Executive, following a consultative meeting by the Area East Committee (Informal) on the 18 May 2022, made the following decision;


That planning application 21/01052/LBC is Refused, in-line with the officers recommendation




The proposed development would neither preserve nor enhance the character and appearance of the Listed Building and its setting and would cause less than substantial harm to the significance of the designated heritage asset. As such, the proposal conflicts with Section 16 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and is contrary to Policy EQ3 of the South Somerset Local Plan 2006-2028 and Chapter 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021), in particular paragraphs 197, 199 and 202.