Issue - decisions

Statutory Recommendation in Respect of Settlement Agreements

23/09/2022 - Statutory Recommendation in Respect of Settlement Agreements



That Full Council agreed to:-



accept the statutory recommendation set out in the Auditor’s Annual Report on South Somerset District Council for 2020-21;




adopt the Procedure Note for Officers set out in the Appendix to the report with immediate effect;




delegate authority to the Chief Executive to notify the auditor of these decisions and publish a notice approved by the auditor that summarises them on its website;




delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to make any necessary amendments to the Council’s Constitution to ensure the following specific provisions contained in the Statutory Guidance on Special Severance Payments are clearly stated:


·         payments below £20,000 will be approved in accordance with the Council’s scheme of delegation

·         payments of £20,000 and above, but below £100,000 must be signed off by the Head of Paid Service (Chief Executive), with a clear record of the Leader’s approval endorsed on the report

·         payments of £100,000 and above must be approved by a vote of full council.


To inform Council of a statutory recommendation made by the auditor and to agree what action to take.    

(Voting: 25 in favour, 0 against, 8 abstentions)