Issue - decisions

Yeovil Refresh Scope Change Request

20/01/2023 - Yeovil Refresh Scope Change Request



That Full Council proposed and the Chief Executive agreed to:-



reallocate £1.2m from the Yeovil Refresh Transport workstream to the Yeovil Refresh Public Realm Workstream;




a redesign of the Middle Street East section of the public realm;




the risk management proposal to not ring-fence funds for risks currently rated unlikely;




allocate £0.821m from the corporate contingency fund to the Yeovil Refresh budget.  This would leave the balance remaining of £0.833m in the Corporate Capital Contingency Budget.



Toupdate the Yeovil Refresh budget in response to the increase of the cost to deliver the public realm improvement works and to seek approval to change the scope of the project to reflect the current forecasted costs.


(Voting: 31 in favour, 4 against, 7 abstentions)